Happy Trash Production (Novi Sad/Serbia)

The most unusual dance event that an average clubber from the region can attend will be a part of Gradić Fest thanks to a group of artists sharing a common inclination towards the unusual and the extraordinary, that is, towards the usual and the ordinary distorted to the extent of bordering camp and kitsch, or even more… DJ and VJ Happy Trash party will bring true disco fever to the Lower Town, since it will take place at prime time for dancing – on Saturday around midnight, at the central point next to the Belgrade Gate.
Happy Trash Production is an artistic troupe founded in 2003, and it consists of artists from Novi Sad: Branislav Petrić, Staniša Dautović, Dragan Matić, Željko Piškorić, Vladimir Marko and Duška Karanov, and there is always the possibility of adding new members. These experienced artists are academically educated mostly in the domain of visual arts, but also in some humanities’ domains, and in their work they use different means of expression – photography, installations, audio-visual works and performances, etc. They keep away from the strict principles of dry academism, preferring to follow modified external influences and circumstances, which led them a few years ago to shift their focus from “creation” to “redirection”. The end that justifies such means is, they say, the search for freshness and truth in modern art. They will perform at Gradić Fest under their usual pseudonyms: DJ Čkalja, DJ Taško, DJ Gula, DJ Mija and DJ Burduš.