Jazzbuka (Sombor/Serbia)

The project of these jazz musicians from Sombor is a combination of concerts and lectures about jazz in general and about the history of the genre. The central part of the project is the band The Hat Matters’ performance, invariably accompanied by a guest musician – a soloist-instrumentalist, who takes on the role of a lecturer or narrator during breaks.
This practical, entertaining and educational project is oriented most of all towards this region’s younger or less informed jazz enthusiasts, with the aim of introducing the inquisitive ones to the magical world of the genre that greatly marked the global culture of the 20th century and that is still very much alive. The soloist and main lecturer at these performances is invariably renowned in his instrumental field, both locally and beyond, and each lecture differs in the approach, because the soloists speak about the influences that shaped their style of playing. This time, The Hat Matters will be joined by flutist Milena Jančurić, with whom they have already collaborated to both their and the audience’s pleasure.